Widget Theme Shortcode

Since 1.0.2 version, BLOGUE support any shortcode working on Footer Text and Widget Text

With shortcode you can make the design more flexible, split column or row is very likely.


Available Shortcode:


Grid Row / Coloumn

Shortcode : [row][column width="8"][/column][column width="4"][/column][/row]

attribute value description
width 1 – 12 column width


Widget Tag Cloud

Shortcode : [tags]

attribute value
title Widget title.
taxonomy any taxonomy available for public. ex: post_tag, category, product_cat


Widget Instagram Images

Shortcode : [instagram]

attribute value
title Widget title.
account Your instagram account. ex: themegum_team
num Count of imagages to displayed. ex: 6


Widget Calendar

Shortcode : [calendar]

attribute value
title Widget title.


Widget Twitter Feed

Shortcode : [twitter]

attribute value
title Widget title.
account Your twitter account name.
key Twitter API Key.
scret Twitter API Screettitle.
num Number feed count. ex: num=”5″


Widget Blogue Post

Shortcode : [blogue_posts]

attribute value
title Widget title.
featured_image Show post have featured image only. Value 1 or 0
display_date Show post date. Value 1 or 0
show_sticky Show post sticky only. Value 1 or 0
num Number post count. ex: num=”5″
orderby Post ordering. Value: view,latest


Widget Blogue Social Count Plus

This widget will activate if plugin Social Icon Plus installed.
Shortcode : [scp_widget]

attribute value
title Widget title.
style blogue: for monochrome, or leave blank for plugin style
icons Custom social icon displayed, sparated by comma. Available option: comments, facebook, github, googleplus, instagram, linkedin, pinterest, posts, soundcloud, steam, tumblr, twitch, twitter, users, vimeo, youtube